

Illustrate key points of your project using diagrams.

The hamburger menu in the top left opens up a host of options:

Let’s break them down.


1- Language: Select the language you want the diagram to use or let Jaxon automatically select one for you

2- Units: Change the unit of measurement being used.

3- Copy on connect, Collapse/Expand, Tooltips

These are all options you can choose to select.


Copy on connect – indicates that when a connection is made between two endpoints, data is duplicated or copied from one endpoint to another as part of the connection establishment process. This could involve copying configuration settings, authentication credentials, or other relevant information needed for the connection to be established successfully.

Collapse/Expand – used to manage the display of cells in a notebook. When you click on this button, it toggles the visibility of the content inside a specific cell or section.

Tooltips – small informational pop-up windows that appear when the user hovers their cursor over specific elements within the diagram. These tooltips provide additional context, explanations, or details about the elements they are associated with.

4- Ruler: adds a ruler on the x and y axis of the diagram



5- Anonymize Current Page: protects sensitive information


<aside> 💡 Jaxon Tip: you can always add a chat cell in and ask Jaxon if you don’t know what a button does!



6- Animation, Record, Replay



Animate your graphic. If you need to use the video elsewhere, record it and replay it as needed. You’ll know Jaxon is recording by the “recording started” text at the top of the diagram box.


To stop recording, revisit the hamburger menu → Settings → and select the new “stop recording” option under Animation.


Select the delay you want.


In the context of animation recording, a "delay" typically refers to the amount of time between frames or keyframes in the animation sequence. It indicates how long each frame is displayed before transitioning to the next frame, creating the illusion of motion when played back at normal speed.

Next, you’ll be provided a link to your recording!


7- Hidden Tags



Hidden tags are a feature used in conjunction with cell metadata to control the visibility and behavior of cells within a Jupyter notebook. These tags can be used to instruct JupyterLab and other notebook interfaces, such as nbviewer or Jupyter Notebook, to perform certain actions on cells, such as hiding their input or output from view. This feature is particularly useful for creating presentations or reports where you might want to show the output of a computation without displaying the code that generated it, or vice versa.

8- File

Your basic import/export and embedding options. File lets you change the page setup, print, and save your work. Note: you do not actually have to click save & exit, Jaxon will auto save it for you.


Page Setup is your run of the mill paper size and orientation, but note you can change the background of your diagram here.



Back on the main menu there are a few more options.

Select Shapes, Format, Layers, or Tags as needed.


9- The rest of the main hamburger menu includes your basic find/replace, importing/exporting, printing, and saving options.
