
Heuristics are a weak supervision technique used to label a dataset and are based on a subject matter expert’s (SME’s) domain-specific knowledge.

On this page you will find:

How to Manually Generate a Heuristic Within the Jaxon Platform

  1. To manually generate heuristics within the Jaxon Platform, fill out the fields in the Heuristic Editor shown here

59 - bits of heuristic.png

  1. When satisfied, click Save

In this example, if an example contains the phrase “I hated it” it will be given the label “neg”.

In this example, if an example contains the phrase “I hated it” it will be given the label “neg”.

  1. Creating Zero-Shot to Target Heuristics will change the Fields found in the Heuristic Editor slightly.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/743655a0-9af5-4c21-bc5a-ed38b17a40e2/0_JAXON_Logo_Mark.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/743655a0-9af5-4c21-bc5a-ed38b17a40e2/0_JAXON_Logo_Mark.jpg" width="40px" /> In this example, if an example contains the word “hate”, the heuristic will return the target class. If the example contains “love”, the heuristic will abstain.



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How to Automatically Generate Heuristics

  1. To automatically generate heuristics within the Jaxon Platform, fill out the fields in the Generate Heuristics box shown here.

59 - bits of heuristic.png

  1. Click Generate Suite

60 - autoheuristic.png

  1. The heuristics will display as shown below once they have finished generating. This may take minutes to several hours.


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How to Test a Heuristic

  1. To the right of the Heuristic Editor, select a heuristic from the list. A successfully selected heuristic will be blue.


  1. Click Test to check the pattern’s effectiveness


  1. Type a sample example in the Test Custom Input box

59 - bits of heuristic.png

  1. Based on whether the sample example matches the Pattern provided in the heuristic, the Target Label or “abstain” will be displayed.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/788e93e4-c73e-4d48-9593-91a2f547fb2d/0_JAXON_Logo_Mark.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/788e93e4-c73e-4d48-9593-91a2f547fb2d/0_JAXON_Logo_Mark.jpg" width="40px" /> In this example, the Target Pattern was “I hate it” and the Target Label was “neg”.


In this case, the sample example matches the target pattern and so the target label is displayed.

In this case, the sample example matches the target pattern and so the target label is displayed.

In this case, the sample example does not match the target pattern and so “abstain” is displayed.

In this case, the sample example does not match the target pattern and so “abstain” is displayed.

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How to Delete a Heuristic

  1. To the right of the Heuristic Editor, select a heuristic from the list. A successfully selected heuristic will be blue.


  1. Click the trash can icon to the right of the heuristic.


  1. Click OK on the box that pops up if you really want to delete the heuristic and all dependent ensembles. We cannot stress enough that this action cannot be undone.


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