
There are three different types of Projects you can create:

Empty Project

What is it?

A blank slate. Whatever you can think up, you can create with help from the Generalist. Don’t like being defined by templates or methodologies? This is the project for you.

Empty projects begin with a Generalist Agent. In that notebook, you can begin however you wish and ask Jaxon questions or for feedback.


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Basic Project

What is it?

A pre-loaded project with one of each Agent (Ask Jaxon, Requirements Gatherer, Architect, Generalist) provided.

<aside> πŸ’‘

Jaxon Tip: Want a second Ask Jaxon agent? You can always add more Agents by clicking into the Launcher tab.


This type of project is a great middle ground between the free-for-all of an Empty project and the defined structure of a CAD3 project.


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CAD3 Project

What is it?

CAD3 stands for Collect, Analyze, Design, Develop, and Deploy. CAD3 is a Jaxon-created methodology for outlining and executing a project from ideation to actualization.

<aside> πŸ’‘ Jaxon Tip: This methodology can be adapted to fit your needs. All contents are suggestions that may or may not be relevant to your specific use case.


CAD3 notebooks start with five folders each populated with notebooks to guide you through the beginning of your project - Collect, Analyze, Design, Develop, Deploy. Learn about each below.


1 - Collect

2 - Analyze

3 - Design

4 - Develop

5 - Deploy

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